There is no good season to start fighting cellulite

There is no good age to start preventing cellulite

There is 100 good reasons to use grapefruit oil to get rid of it



anti cellulite with essential oils

Our DIY Recipe for Grapefruit Oil:

In grapefruits, the essential oil is stored in little bubbles in the peel:

All the little dots you see on that photo are little bubbles (vesicles) full of grapefruit oil.

grapefruit peel with essential oil

The grapefruit peel is full of these little bubbles.

To realize your DIY grapefruit oil, you will need:

-Grapefruits, (I used only one, mine was huge. Please use organic grapefruits as you don’t want all the pesticides sprayed on fruit to end up in your oil… or your skin!

-Vegetal oil, one of our favorite oil to use is coconut oil…just  enough to cover your peels. But macadamia or hazelnut oil have great benefits for the skin too

-A recycled glass jar

-A mortar and a pestle, don’t worry if you don’t have one, you can use a wooded spoon as a pestle directly in a glass or porcelain bowl

-A knife to peel your grapefruits

-A cheese cloth (or unused pair of tights) for filtering

material for your DIY grapefruit oil

How to proceed to realize your DIY grapefruit oil

Peel your grapefruits

DIY tutorial for grapefruit oil

grapefruit peels for macerated oil

Add as many peels as you can possible fit in your jar and cover with the vegetal oil of your choice so that it barely covers the peels.

grapefruit oil diy

Cover with a lid and place in the sun. If it’s cold and you overcast, you can place the jar next to a heater to heat your preparation without burning it.

The heat will make the peels release some of the grapefruit oil.

After heating for one hour near a heater, or 2 days in the sun, collect the oil in another jar, put the peels in the mortar and crush the peels (they will still be soaked with oil which is just what you want).

Put the peels and all the oils from the mortar in your cheese cloth, place over your oil jar, and press as much as you can, you will see your Grapefruit anti cellulite oil dripping.

If you want to have a very concentrated oil, proceed the same way again, using the same oil, with fresh grapefruit peels. n….

How to use your grapefruit oil?

-You can either use it under the shower (a cold shower works even better) . This is good for a first trial as you can test your skin’s reaction to it however it is not the most efficient as most of it gets rinsed away by the water.

-You can use whilst dry brushing your skin. We found this to be a very effective method with results noticeable from the first use!

-Finally, you can massage it into the targeted areas before going to bed.

Now we know you don’t want to hear this, but clean eating is crucial here. Some of us will naturally be more prone to having cellulite even if you have a completely normal weight. However the type of food you eat is very important and it doesn’t have to be frustrating! Not all fats are created equal (which is why counting calories is actually not recommended long-term) so why not replace those fries or this pizza with avocados, salmon, almond butter. Or make your own healthy version of a pizza with gluten free crust, more healthy toppings etc…

Basically it’s all about being more consistent and reasonnable in your food choices on a daily basis. But from time to time, please allow yourself a treat as otherwise you are quickly going to give up!

And last but not least, oxygenating your body by exercising, walking your pets, playing with your children. A little bit every day helps! And if you are a gym bunny, keep on going to the gym but try and mix up your exercice routine from time to time.

We hope you have enjoyed reading! If you have any questions or comments, please use the comment section below.

Please come back soon and follow!

The Spoiled Bee team Xx








5 responses to “0% Cellulite, 33% Grapefruit Essential Oil, 33% Healthy Food, 33% Walking to Go to Work, 100% Babe”

  1. Beautywhizz Avatar

    I really like the idea of making you own grapefruit oil. I love its smell, so uplifting and fresh.


    1. engelsfrance Avatar

      Thank you….yes indeed, grapefruit is a marvel….and unless you want to use it pure for an electrical diffuser for example ( don’t use my recipe in a diffuser….oops, I forgot to stipulate that), this recipe is perfect for massages :). Enjoy!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Laurence Lebrun Avatar

    Do you think that your grapefruit oil have phototoxic effects like essentials oil of grapefruit ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. engelsfrance Avatar

      I believe that, since some essence is escaping from the vesicles, it can have some photo sensitivity. Without talking about toxicity which would be a strong qualification. ( sensitization of the skin is different than toxic for the skin)
      Grapefruit essential oil is obtained by cold pressing, the plant material is the peel, it is literally, not an essential oil…..even if called so.
      Unless using a grapefruit essential oil without furocoumarine, which is, in this particular case, obtained by a double process: first pressed, then distilled….this particular oil is not phytophotosensitizing….
      Mine is not distilled, even diluted…it contains furocoumarine…therefore I have to bring awareness of the possibility 🙂
      sorry to be so specifique.
      Thank you for your question…which is extremely interesting.


  3. Laurence Lebrun Avatar

    Thank you for your détail response. I agréé with you, your grapefruit oil is diluted and the risk of photosensitivity is very small

    Liked by 1 person

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